Sunday, December 6, 2015

Elf On The Shelf Week 2

Well, its week two on our elf on the shelf.  I stuck to my calendar for the most part.  

Monday he wrapped our toilet.  BOY was it a hard job. I would NOT recommend this one because it was pretty hard to wrap.  Also, if you do decide to try this one- make sure to use a bathroom that is not close to the kids rooms! haha I made so much noise I just KNEW they would wake up. Luckily, the boys didn't think twice about the bad wrapping job. haha

Tuesday morning he packed the boys lunches.  The boys really got a kick out of this one.  Carson was ready to take everything Bolt packed for him and was a little upset with me when I told him he wouldn't actually be taking these items for his lunch.

Wednesday morning Bolt was taped up from some army guys and the ninja turtles.  I guess they didn't like him stepping on their turf.  He hasn't been back in the play room since! I guess they scared him off!

Thursday morning he made a flour angel.  Boy was this messy! I ended up cutting off the thread that held his hands together so he could make a real snow angel.  It was still hard to make it look like an angel but when the boys woke up they knew exactly what he was trying to do. (I don't know what happened to my picture so this is one off the internets and it looks way better than the one I was able to achieve)

Friday morning he put bows on our cabinets.  ::side note:: make sure your cabinets are clean.  Apparently the cabinets were dirty and so the bows kept falling off!  But I still liked this idea and they are still hanging up on our cabinets!

Friday night, I was exhausted after a very long week and I was passed out by 10pm.  Luckily, Ryan saved the day and hid Bolt for me and it was probably one of my favorite spots to date!  AND it wasn't even on my list of places to hide him. I was pretty impressed with his hiding capabilities.  So, Saturday morning he was hanging in Santa's coat.  so cute!! Good job Ryno!

Sunday he brought the kids their annual ornaments for their tree.  I didn't have this on the calendar either but Carson kept asking when he would be bringing their ornaments.  (I bet you can guess whose ornament is whose! haha)

Have you used any of these ideas yet?  What did your kids have to say about their hiding spots?